Thursday, March 5, 2009

If I were king I would....

Stop these things now
  1. Bringing pets every where you go.
  2. Every one who dies is not a hero or saint even if they died in terror attack
  3. Ugg boots pile them up and burn them along with the big tacky sun glasses with emblems on the side
  4. Iron Crosses unless you are the red Barron then NO stickers, shirts, earrings, tattoos, and so on
  5. Answering complex questions with "Its in the bible" or "put them on an island" "Bomb them"
  6. When a crazy person does a crazy thing it is not OK to look for a normal motivation so simply Why did he do that he is crazy lets leave it at that
  7. E-mail forwards this has become the Christmas fruit cake no one wants them everyone sends them
  8. Over sized rims- it makes a car look like a chrome covered wagon.
  9. Anyone that can not effectively order their coffee in less than 45 seconds one cares about how they do it at the other location or in Paris or what you are allergic too
  10. Anyone who strolls in to a store saying "ok buddy give me best price"